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  3. Personal funding
  4. How Do I Receive Notifications About My Application or Funding?

Personal funding

How Do I Receive Notifications About My Application or Funding?

Via the messaging system, you will receive not only notifications from the respective department, but also automated confirmations and feedback from the DAAD portal regarding your application or funding process. Find out here how you can use the messaging system in the portal.

Purpose of the Messaging System

The messaging system serves as a communication hub between the applicant/scholarship holder and the DAAD. In addition to messages from the respective department, you will find automatic replies and confirmations here.

Requirements for Usage

You must have registered via and submitted at least one application. Once you have received the confirmation of your submitted application, you have access to the messaging system.

Using the Messaging System

Reading Portal Messages

To expand and read a message, please click on the symbol ˃ in front of the respective message.

The attachments will be available on the right side of the open message and can be downloaded by clicking on the document title.

Screenshot of a message with attachments in the right pane


Composing Portal Messages

To compose a new message, click on New message. A pop-up window will open and you will be asked to select a topic and subject.

Screenshot of the menu bar with the "New message" button


  • Depending on the content of your message, select the topic first.
    The options are Support/counselling/scholarship related issues and Financial Affairs.
  • The message will be directed to the respective person in charge.
Screenshot of the "Create new message" editing screen


  • Next, you can enter text and subject.
    To finally submit the message, click on Send message.
  • After the message has been sent, it will be displayed in the list of your Messages regarding application / funding (see Navigation).

    All messages sent via the portal messaging system will be directed to the DAAD departments in charge of your application or funding. The respective person has access to the entire messaging history.

Additional note: How to archive selected messages for your own documents:

To archive your messages, you can download the complete messaging history or single messages. To compile those messages in one pdf file, click on the blue button History as pdf.

Screenshot of the menu bar with the "History as PDF" button


In the pop-up window, select all messages you would like to include in the compilation. You can select multiple messages with your mouse while pressing the CTRL-key at the same time.

Screenshot of the "Create PDF from message history" editing window


Once the selection is complete, click on Create PDF.

Finally, select Save as to save the compilation on your computer.

If you have questions please contact:

In case of technical problems regarding software requirements or passwords, please contact the technical portal support.
You can reach us by email at

You can also reach us by telephone on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. German time at +49 228 / 882 8888.

If you have any questions regarding the content of the application forms, the application procedure or general questions about the DAAD scholarship programmes, please contact the Info Centre.
You can reach us by email via our contact form at